The Influence Diagram

Influence diagrams illustrate the relationships between elements defined in an economic model. These relationships are references in the definition of a calculation to other inputs or calculations, and are represented as arrows. You can drag-and-drop elements (modules, boxes, inputs, calculations and arrows) to tidy up the overall presentation.

The main diagram in the General tab displays modules and boxes, with reference arrows indicating cross-references between elements that belong to different modules.

Each module in turn displays a diagram of the inputs and calculations it contains, the references between them (Reference solid arrows) and also external references to elements in other modules (External reference dashed arrows).

  • ModuleModule.
  • Box Box.
  • Input User Input, Result from Plan, Variable from Plan, Result from another Econ, or Result from a result file.
  • Excel Input Excel Input.
  • Globals Globals Inputs.
  • Calculation Calculation.
  • Sum Calculation defined as a sum.
  • External Input External reference (i.e., an input or calculation in another module.)
  • Unresolved reference Unresolved reference.

Right-click on any icon to access the various variable editing commands; here you can also select multiple elements to apply some commands such as Duplicate, Delete, Tag as Result etc. Double-click icons to navigate to the corresponding object.

The context menu on any part of the diagram includes the following options:

  • New InputNew Input.
  • New CalculationNew Calculation.
  • Hide / Show connections.
  • Use splines: Convert all reference arrows to smooth curve lines with control points.
  • Use orthogonal paths: Convert all reference arrows to straight, vertical and horizontal segments with corners.
  • Copy: Copy the whole diagram to the OS clipboard in two formats: as a Windows metafile (vector format file) and as a bitmap.
  • Print.
  • Fit in screen.: Adjust the zoom to display all elements.
  • Zoom InZoom In / Zoom OutZoom Out / Normal.

Right-clicking on a reference arrow gives access to the following format options:

  • Add / Remove segment / control point.
  • Make spline / orthogonal path.
  • Line Width.
  • Line Color.